Our Sharia-compliant investment solution

Our TAM Sharia service provides investors with a range of Islamic investment portfolios designed to protect and grow their wealth in a Sharia-compliant manner.

What is Sharia investing?

Sharia-compliant investments are governed by Sharia law. Sharia law is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition and derived from the religious precepts of Islam, the Quran and the Hadith. Sharia literally means “the clear, well-trodden path to water”. It acts as a code for living that all people of the Muslim faith should adhere to, including prayers, food, and financial affairs. Sharia investing is similar to ethical investing whereby funds are screened to avoid companies that are not aligned to certain principles. Activities permitted by Sharia law are regarded as ‘halal’, and anything banned is ‘haram’.

Our portfolios

Sharia Defensive 01-May-2016 0.50% Defensive
Sharia Cautious 01-May-2014 0.50% Cautious
Sharia Balanced 01-Oct-2014 0.50% Balanced
Sharia Growth 01-Apr-2014 0.50% Growth
Sharia Adventurous 01-May-2017 0.50% Adventurous

Our approach to risk

Clients can select an investment portfolio that most closely reflects their investment return objectives and attitude to risk. We offer five risk-graded model portfolio options, ranging from more defensive lower risk returns, through to higher risk equity-based returns.

Sharia Defensive seeks to generate modest returns higher than cash in the bank over the short to medium term (3 to 5 years or more) with potential for consistent though constrained capital growth. The portfolio has a more defensive approach to equity exposure compared to Sharia Cautious - typically comprising 10% equity and 90% non-equity - though weightings may deviate within set parameters, allowing managers to react to market conditions.
Sharia Cautious seeks to generate modest capital growth higher than bond-based returns over the short to medium term (3 to 5 years or more) by employing a more cautious investment strategy than Sharia Balanced. The portfolio will have a modest approach to equity exposure - typically comprising 30% equity and 70% non-equity - though weightings may deviate within set parameters, allowing our managers to react to market conditions.
Sharia Balanced seeks to generate capital growth over the medium term, with the aim of riding out short term fluctuations in value. The portfolio will have a more balanced approach to equity exposure compared to Sharia Growth - typically comprising 50% equity and 50% non-equity - though weightings may deviate within set parameters, allowing managers to react to market conditions.
Sharia Growth seeks to generate higher capital growth over the medium to long term (5 to 7 years or more) by employing a more dynamic investment strategy. The portfolio will have a higher exposure to equities compare to Sharia Balanced - typically comprising 70% equity and 30% non-equity - though weightings may deviate within set parameters, allowing managers to react to market conditions.
Sharia Adventurous seeks to generate strong capital growth over the long term (7 years or more) and can experience frequent and higher levels of volatility than Sharia Growth. The portfolio will have a large exposure to equities - typically comprising 90% equity and 10% non-equity - though weightings may deviate within set parameters, allowing managers to react to market conditions.
TAM Sharia Risk Chart
The diagram is for illustrative purposes only. The value of investments, and the income from it, may go down as well as up and may fall below the amount initially invested. Weightings may deviate from these levels at the Investment Team's discretion whilst staying within specific guidelines, so the above asset allocation is intended as a guide only.

Discover our full range of model portfolios