Sustainability Hub

Our Commitment

The TAM Net Zero Commitment is part of our wider sustainability mission, which demonstrates our promise to reduce our environmental impact and inspire others to do the same. We are a proud certified Carbon Neutral and Carbon Reduced Organisation, achieved by offsetting our annual carbon footprint which we are reducing every year, working towards the ultimate goal of net zero emissions. 


Sustainability Charter

We build portfolios to drive positive environmental and social outcomes that you can be proud of, within a framework that works for you. We aim to unlock these opportunities for all, empowering everyone to make a difference, in a way that is:


In a world where everything costs more, we work hard to keep the cost of your investments as low as we can without giving up the high-quality hallmark which we are known.


Keeping you up to date on our latest thinking is so important, that’s why TAM aim to bring these fantastic investments to life through our sustainability blog as well as a full breakdown of all your investments.


We know everyone prefers a smooth journey and one which doesn’t forget that your financial returns are critical in everything we do. Given that, we invest from right across the global stock and bond market to deliver a portfolio blended to account for the short-, medium- and long-term life of your cash.


TAM offer five portfolios, all taking on different levels of risk, in our bid to make sustainable investing fit for all.


Most importantly, we build our portfolios to align with our investors’ financial goals.

What You Can Do


The Funds

Take a look under the hood! Below we list the funds within the TAM Sustainable World Portfolios, and how each is aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These alignments are wholly determined on an underlying revenue attribution basis, with any negative alignment deducted to create a net assessment, by third party sustainability screener Clarity AI.

What is the SDG Intentionality Score?
The SDG intentionality score is TAM's own qualitative assessment of how material and intentional we believe the funds' alignment is to the SDGs. It illustrates whether the SDG alignment is implicitly a target of the fund, which is adjudged by TAM to be embedded into the processes of the fund, or purely a bi-product of the fund targeting other sustainability outcomes. The assessments are ranked as:
High - embedded into the fund’s process
Medium - SDGs are referenced within literature and process but not adjudged as fundamental to asset allocation decisions
Low - minimal to no reference to SDGs within processes, thus SDG alignment is adjudged as a byproduct of alternative sustainability frameworks

What is the WACI?
The Weighted Average Carbon Intensity (WACI) demonstrates the tonnes of CO2 emitted per $1 million of underlying company sales.

The Fund Selector

Daniel Babington
Portfolio Manager at TAM Asset Management

Daniel joined our investment team in 2020 and has since brought his passion for responsible investing into the TAM Sustainable World portfolios. In particular, his interests lie within the social aspects of sustainability with a keen focus on the future of food systems, wider nutrition and mental health. He has been the driving force of key improvements in these areas, which have seen the standards of billion pound strategies improve.
“I see it as a privilege to be the custodian of our clients’ assets. I firmly believe they have the right to have their voice heard, and it is my job to uphold the high environmental and social standards that our investors have. Both by doing good through investment choices and holding funds’ responsible in avoiding harm through continued engagement.”

Sustainable Snapshot


Latest News

Partnerships & Associations

Clarity AI

We are pleased to partner with Clarity AI - the award-winning state-of-the-art sustainability assessment tool that aims to quantify ESG characteristics from negative exclusions to impact, using seven providers to peel back what each fund is investing in at a constituent stock level. This innovation arms us with our own raw data to make sure the funds in our industry are accurately presenting their sustainability credentials, and offers us a platform to engage with the funds in which we invest for our clients. 

TAM is a proud member of the United Kingdom Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), who inform, influence and connect UK finance, policymakers and the public achieve a vision of a fair, inclusive and sustainable financial system that works for the benefit of society and the environment. Their annual Good Money Week campaign is the leading event promoting sustainability in retail finance.

We are pleased to collaborate with Carbon Footprint Ltd, the Quality Assurance Standard (QAS) approved provider of internationally recognised carbon footprint calculators and offset projects, dedicated to guiding organisations on their journey towards achieving Net Zero, offering a comprehensive six-step approach to seamlessly reduce emissions and pave the way for a sustainable future.

We are a proud signatory of the internationally recognised Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), who are working to achieve an economically efficient, sustainable global financial system, by encouraging adoption of the Principles and collaboration on their implementation. By signing the principles, TAM can publicly demonstrate our commitment to incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into our investment decision making and ownership practices, benefitting from a global collaborative network, cutting-edge research and resources, and transparent reporting. 

We are a proud member of the innovative AdviserAction initiative - a first-of-its-kind membership organisation facilitated by sustainable investment pioneer CCLA, which will focus on engagement with listed companies to drive sustainable outcomes. We strongly believe that engagement is a key tool in driving real-world outcomes for our industry, and AdviserAction will bring our clients even closer to what good can come from investing.