They did it! Our TAM cycle team have completed their epic 3-day 340km cycle from Brussels to Amsterdam

They did it! Our #TAMCharityRide team have completed their epic 3-day, 340km cycle from Brussels to Amsterdam, looking sharp as they crossed the finish line in their TAM kit.

An incredible achievement and we could not be more proud of the cyclists, especially our very own TAM team, who have collectively raised £60k to help Elizabeth's Smile, Ruth Strauss Foundation and Winston's Wish provide hope to the 127 children who suffer the traumatic loss of a parent every single day in the UK.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone that has already supported the cause. If you have not yet donated but would like to help the team reach their ambitious £70k target for these deserving charities, please visit their page here:

Every donation is hugely appreciated, and your support will help to ensure that no child or young person faces grief alone.

One last thank you to our wonderful cyclists who gave their literal blood, sweat and tears to complete this challenge, and to our generous sponsors: Amber River, Fundpath, Janus Henderson Investors, Portfolio Adviser, Waverton Investment Management and Wellington Management.

And finally, an extra special shout out to our driving dream team, for ensuring that our cyclists' bikes were safely delivered to Brussels and returned to London, and for keeping morale and energy high during the 3-day ride. And to Paul Moore and Louisa Hancox from Winston's Wish who joined us for the journey to provide much needed daily inspiration to our increasingly tired and aching cyclists, which kept them pedalling forward to that finish line.

We will be sharing more footage from the ride over the coming days via our LinkedIn Account, so stay tuned for more #TAMCharityRide updates!