TAM Tackled the Three Peaks!

They did it!

Izabela, Stephanie, Daniel, James B, Olivia G and Olivia P have battled the elements and successfully tackled the National Three Peaks Challenge for The Childhood Trust.

3 countries… 3 mountains… Over 70,000 steps… In under 24 hours!

To say we are proud is an understatement. They faced blizzards at Ben Nevis and storms at Scafell Pike, but were rewarded with sun for their final climb at Snowdon.

We cannot thank you all enough for getting behind the team. Your donations and messages of encouragement kept them going through some very tricky moments and enabled them to dig deep and push through to get it done; sincerely, thank you.

They have very nearly reached their £6,000 target for this 4 for 2024 fundraising event, so if you would like to give the team a little boost for completing this epic challenge then you can do so by visiting their team page below.

One final shout out to our CEO Lester Petch for taking on the mammoth drive and getting the team safely from peak to peak. A grand total of nearly 700 miles on the road in just 24 hours – a real feat in itself. And of course, we’d like to share our thanks to Merlyn Wealth Management for the TAM Three Peaks tops, which unfortunately didn’t get much air time due to the abysmal weather conditions, but were worn for the duration of the challenge and very much appreciated!

And finally, the lovely Olivias have put together a fantastic replay video which perfectly captures the 24 hours and brings the challenge to life! You can watch it below.

Next up in our 4 for 2024 fundraising campaign is the TAM CEO Skydive – stay tuned for updates!