Giving you more ways to access our award-winning investment portfolios

You may or not be aware that our Premier, Focus and Ethical investment portfolios are available across the Aviva and Transact Platforms.
Our portfolios can be accessed by both new and existing clients, where moving your clients over is as easy as a fund switch. There are two simple forms to complete and a 0.3% fee to appoint us as your DFM, which is deducted directly via the chosen Platform.
Our risk-graded, multi-asset investment portfolios are diversified and transparent, managed by an award-winning team of investment managers with a proven track record, so save yourself the hassle of fund picking and let us do it for you.

By utilising our aggregated assets under management, TAM are able to offer these varied propositions at a competitive price through low platform fees, dealing charges and through the institutional share classes we gain access to for inclusion in our portfolios.
For more information or to speak to us about this service, please contact our in-house Platform Specialist, Eric Williamson via phone: +44(0)207 549 7660 or email: