Consistency and Transparency
Over the recent months, TAM International has been striving to refresh its portfolio offering to increase the transparency of our products and enhance information delivery, in line with the regulatory principles related to Treating Customers Fairly . This has resulted in a review of our existing portfolio type names, benchmarks and quarterly fact sheets which, we believe, enhances information delivery to ensure that product and portfolio offerings are clear, concise and more readily understandable. These changes are set out in detail below.
We would take this opportuntity, however, to emphasie that all our curent RISK PROFILING REMAINS UNCHANGED and there will be no deviation from existing clients investment guidelines already established with us. We are purely enhancing the transparency and quality of information we distribute and bringing our terminaology in line with accepted market stnadards.
New Factsheets and asset allocation updates will be available for each portfolio type on a quarterly basis. First quaretr 2010 factsheets will be forward shortly under separate email.
If you have any questions or need any clarification please do not hastate to call either Len Oram or Lester Petch at this office on 0207 549 7650 and we would be pleased to help.
1. Changes to Portfolio Type Names
As you will see below whilst the name of certain portfolio have been reviewed their risk rating, strategy, and objectives remain completely unchanged.
2. Additional Clarity on Risk Level, Objectives and Suitability